Steve Brown

Get to know me

I have worked with children, young people and a vast array of other vulnerable and at-risk individuals and families on and off for in excess of 35 years. Having worked primarily within Local Government and Residential Care settings during this period, I have undertaken a range of safeguarding, equality, mentoring and coaching roles offering support, advice and guidance on many different areas.

I have a wealth of experience exploring and developing positive relationships with an array of individuals, businesses and community/charity groups and have a strong desire to now utilise the skills I have acquired for the benefit of others. 

My ultimate goal working within FNB is to be able to facilitate a positive, safe & nurturing environment where individuals can thrive and feel free and willing to challenge themselves in order to transition towards maximising their personal and professional potential.

What is your
favourite food?

& Saltfish


Angels with
Dirty Faces

What is your
guilty pleasure?


Garfield Meredith